My Thoughts

Pictures–A Family Tradition

Pictures–A Family Tradition

My mother is an amateur photographer extraordinaire. Yes, she takes good pictures, but that is not what sets her apart. She takes pictures of everything—flowers in her garden, items Daddy made, zoo animals on family outings, her paintings, and of course, family members. Everyone in our family knows how Mom wants us to pose for pictures. We have gone through the ritual in every conceivable location—at home, on vacation, at graduations, at the family pond. All have their obligatory poses....

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Doing the Impossible

Have you noticed how many beginnings do not have endings? The mess in the middle bred frustration. The project—painting the house, cleaning the living room, creating a caring relationship, writing a book—is abandoned before completion? Initial brainstorming for a new project is exciting. Then, with the obvious roadblocks addressed, you start the project. What at first looked like a small hill now looms like a mountain. Reality and the inevitable unexpected complications make you wonder how you...

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Want to Be Great?

"You don't have to be great to start, but you have to start to be great."‪#‎writetip This Jerry Jenkins post was on my Facebook news feed July 15, 2014. Most people would agree that this makes good sense. That is the problem. Agreeing with a truthful statement is worthless unless you turn it into action. Just because you start does not mean that you will become great, but it is a beginning. The stories of great people are full of their failures and working against tremendous odds. They had a...

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