My Thoughts

Will I?

Three or four times a week I exercise my niece’s border collies because I know how much the dogs love playing in the middle of the day when everyone is away at work. One day last week, the dogs had been running around chasing the Frisbee for several minutes.  All was going well until I let it sail as a gust of wind blew. It landed in my brother’s small utility trailer. I chuckled and wondered which dog would go into the trailer and pick it up. None did. They looked at me then back at the...

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Beating the Heat

It’s the end of July, and it is hot out there. We are concerned about staying in the shade and drinking cold beverages so our bodies can regulate themselves. Many summer activities are not about getting out of the heat, but staying hydrated as we engage in outdoor activities like going to the ball park, riding bikes, playing at the water park, or going to the lake. We are so busy having fun that we are unconcerned about the heat. That is the rub. For us to be even slightly uncomfortable, we...

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The Family Together

What activity does your family enjoy doing together? What family pastime has grown to be a tradition? When the family gets together, you are either participating in it or telling stories about it. For some families it is music, for others it is board games, and for many a game of touch football. For my family, it is a trip to the zoo. The zoo trips started when we kids were small. Mom and Dad thought it would be good for us to visit a zoo to learn about exotic animals during one vacation. Over...

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