My Thoughts
3 Reasons I Could Not Write It
When Millie approached me to help write her autobiography, I was surprised. Reasons not to get involved readily flashed through my head. I am not qualified. I am not a published author. Why would she approach me? Yes, I had a blog I wrote on a somewhat regular basis, but that was not a qualification for writing a book. I do not have time. My elderly mother consumed most of my spare time. Ray and I were starting a long overdue remodeling project. My leadership roles at church and in Bible Study...
So What? It’s Veterans Day.
Out of ignorance, I have not given Veterans Day the attention I should have. Why? Maybe in the past it was my youth. Maybe it was my self-centeredness. Maybe I did not fully understand what it means. Yes, I appreciated our armed forces. But truthfully, for too long I did not give the day a second thought. I was wrong! Veterans Day is observed on November 11 because that is the day World War I officially ended. It is a fitting date for us to honor our veterans. The main observance for Veterans...
Two Reasons to Reconnect
What a shame! In the past few months, I realized that I have not been paying very much attention to what is happening in the lives of people I had cared about at some point. During this time, I attended a class reunion and two family reunions. My lack of recent association with some people I claim to value became evident to me. I need to reconnect. Two reasons exist for me to awaken relationships that have been allowed to slumber. Reason #1: Family is important. I must stay connected...