My Thoughts

Feast and Football: What About Others

What are you doing for Thanksgiving? This question was being asked by everyone this past week. Those who have wonderful plans exuberantly express their excitement about eating their favorite holiday foods with family or watching the big game with friends. This year I have been struck by how many people are not looking forward to the holiday. I have become more attentive to what has not been said than to what has been said. The body language, facial expressions, sad eyes, and the words left...

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Am I willing to do what it takes to serve God well? I recently examined my attitude toward serving God. Am I just serving at a surface level? Do I love God enough to do exactly what he tells me—no more and no less? I love God and want to serve him most of the time. But sometimes I yield to the human temptation to take things into my own hands. When “self” takes over I experience dissatisfaction. One would think I would learn, but I continue to make the same selfish, human mistake. Why is this?...

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For the Love of Children

Millie Young and I met weekly for a little over a year. Each week she would have written down the main events in a segment of her missionary life and the Bible verse she wanted included. Often she had recorded words of wisdom she wanted included with the chapter. Even if Millie had not decided on her words of wisdom before our meeting, they developed as our time progressed. They might emerge from statements Millie made as she reflected about an event she did not want included in the book....

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