My Thoughts
What an Amazing Heritage!
Have you ever thought how amazing it is that we have the Bible? I recently toured a remarkable exhibit—Passages: Treasures of the Bible. It contained ancient scrolls, fragments of the Qumran scrolls, papyrus scroll fragments, early hand-written Bibles, and early Bibles with commentaries written by 1500’s biblical scholars. Early King James Bibles and Bibles owned by Martin Luther were on display.One of my favorite display rooms had a working replica of the Gutenberg Press. This press made it...
If the Shoe Fits …
“I sure hope Nancy doesn’t forget to bring the cookies for tonight’s rehearsal refreshments.” Susan knew she was being hateful when she made that comment to her friends who were helping her finish the last minute adjustments to the props for the Christmas program. After all, last summer Nancy had forgotten to provide the post-game drinks for the baseball team. True. Nancy had laughed it off and bought each of the boys a drink at the concession stand. She came through, but Nancy HAD forgotten....
Yikes–I’m a mess!
What I saw this morning when I looked in the mirror made my mind scream, “I’m not that old!.” My wrinkles are becoming pronounced. I have dark, age spots appearing on my checks. My neck skin is hanging loosely. Nothing about my appearance reflects a gracefully aging matron, which my trickster mind rationalizes. Maybe scheduling a session with a skin care specialist at the mall will help. But that means spending big bucks on new cosmetics, facial cream, and gentle moisturizing cleansers. I...