My Thoughts
6 Things Love Is Not: Valentine’s Day Thoughts
The love month is here and so is the pressure to show our sweethearts in some special way that we love them. Some of the popular, trivialized, media promoted ways to say love are flops. #1—Love is not chocolates. I love like chocolate a lot. A quality piece of chocolate is fabulous, but a big box of it makes me fat. #2—Love is not a dozen roses. I love like deep red roses, but they wilt. #3—Love is not a beautiful piece of jewelry. I love like a gorgeous necklace. Beautiful jewelry makes me...
Are You a Cain OR an Abel?
How do you approach life? Are you strong-willed and self-directed. Then you might be a Cain. I was shocked when I was first confronted with the idea that I might be more like Cain than Abel in my worship of God. Don’t I love Jesus? Don’t I serve in my church? Don’t I regularly attend church services? Don’t I support my church financially? My answer is yes to all of these. But, am I really more like Cain than Abel? Genesis 4 tells us that Cain brought his offering as a duty while Abel gave his...
2 Reasons We Feel Worthless When We Do Good Things
“If I am doing good, why don’t I feel good? I feel empty—worthless. No one recognizes the good things I am doing.” At some point in our Christian lives, all of us have said something like this. We feel exhausted and unappreciated. We work hard volunteering for tasks no one else wants to do. We may start enthusiastically, but when others do not follow through, the joy leaves. Their criticism stifles our spirit. In my experience, when worthlessness sets in, it is due to one or more of the...