My Thoughts

Father, Forgive Them

Clara did not sit in her regular pew. It was too painful to be that close to Susan. The wound of the hurtful words was still too fresh. Clara did not want any contact with her and thought it possible to manage avoiding Susan by sitting on the opposite side of the sanctuary. Susan rushed in late and sat in the first empty pew she saw. It was two pews down and directly in front of Clara. Clara’s anger rekindled. How dare Susan be so blatantly insensitive to her hurt feelings? When Clara drug her...

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The Birthday Present

My mother-in-law’s birthday was only a couple of weeks away. As to what to give her, I was clueless. She was an invalid. What do you buy such a person for a birthday present to make them feel special? Clothes were too utilitarian. Most of the gift ideas I had used in the past were useless stuff at this point. During one long night sitting in the recliner monitoring her as she slept, I was thumbing through a catalog. There it was. A darling stuffed duck. She loved things like that. Just maybe...

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5 Ways to Express Love

Ray and I have been married almost forty-eight years. Here are five ways we nourish our love. Vacuuming the floors while I clean the toilets: He does the household chore I hate while I do the chore he hates. Cooking healthy meals: Ray loves to eat. My efforts in the kitchen are rewarded when he cleans up the kitchen after I have made a cooking mess. This is his way of telling me that he recognizes the time and effort it takes to make things from scratch because we are protecting our health....

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