Trepidation & Anticipation

As I walked up the stairs of the First Baptist Church in the Kansas town of Arkansas City, I did so with both trepidation and anticipation. Trepidation because this was the first time for me to speak about Millie Young’s missionary work without Millie as a presentation partner. Anticipation because I love talking about how amazing a woman of God she is.

A representative from the American Baptist Women’s Ministries of the Roger Williams/Walnut Valley Association called requesting Millie’s phone number because they wanted her to speak at their spring conference. Millie moved to Indiana this last year, so I volunteered to speak on the topic of what I learned about Millie’s work while helping her write her memoirs. They accepted my offer.

Millie’s love for the Lord is conspicuous to anyone who knows her. But that is not what impresses me most about her. Her humility is amazing. During her life as a missionary in Colombia, she had so many experiences which required total dependence on God. Her total commitment to prayer exhibits Millie’s reliance on communication with her Savior.

I chose to talk about what I learned from Millie about the importance of prayer, not only for one’s self but also for others. She came through several adverse experiences which she later learned were a result of others praying for her.

It is my hope that the ladies attending the conference Saturday left with a renewed commitment to praying for missionaries. As I reflected on the strength of Millie’s communication with God, I pledged to spend more time with my Lord in prayer.

Do you need to revive your prayer life?

3 Ways to Support Missions

I have heard people say that they do not know how to support the work of missionaries.

Missions work in Colombia

Millie Young, a dear friend, was on the mission field in Colombia for forty-nine years. She often has told me that missionaries need three types of support.

  1. Missions teams: Missions teams are vital to the work that missionaries perform. Sometimes the mission team will help with physical labor and construction, sometimes the team will evangelize a village, and sometimes they will conduct Bible school lessons. But you do not have to travel to be a part of a mission team. You can help by financially supporting those who are called to go.
  2. Financial aid: A monthly financial donation is vital to the missionary being able to stay on the mission field. They need a dependable income flow. However, periodic gifts are used to meet unexpected needs or to further current projects. If missionaries express a need for particular items, you can support them by giving.
  3. Prayer: The most vital activity you can do for a missionary is to pray—pray faithfully and often. Prayer works to protect the missionary. Many times we are called to pray for a person even though we do not know what the current need is. Just pray. If God lays a missionary on your heart, know that missionary needs prayer immediately.

How are you currently supporting mission work?

What Did You Say?

Do you listen to hear or do you just let the sound hit your eardrums? Is your mind on what is being said or on what you will say next? Or even worse, are you thinking about a completely different topic—what you will eat for supper, who will win the World Series, or the misbehaving kid across the street?

I, like most people, am so poor at listening—truly listening—that I miss the blessing of hearing with my heart. Yes, I listen. But often it is surface listening. I am “protecting my turf” listening—absorbed in self and not the speaker.

When I was helping Millie Young, a retired missionary, write her book, I recorded our sessions. Often I heard Millie make a seemingly off-hand comment that was profound. Yes, I physically heard it, but I did not understand until I reflected on the significance of the gem Millie had expressed. Here is one of those passages.

1-2-2001_039 (2)“During the first few years I was on the mission field, much of the success that my fellow missionaries and I had in Colombia was in the poor areas of Medellín. I believe this is a fairly universal pattern in third world countries. The conversions begin with the lower class people because they have nothing. They cannot say they do not need Jesus. So they bring a different attitude to learning about Jesus. A faith in Jesus gives them something to live for.”

This comment bounced around in my brain for several days. Could it be that the reason we do not have revival in the United States is because we think we do not need Jesus because we are so prosperous?

Are we so busy thinking about our comforts, our desires, and our things that we do not recognize our need for God?

He who has ears to hear, let him hear. Matthew 11:15

Are you listening?

You Will Be With Me

lightstock_77238_small_sandra_Millie Young, a missionary to Colombia, tells a story about a wonderful godly couple, Don Jesus and Doña Lola, who were an inspiration to her when she first entered the missionary field.

Before he was saved, Don Jesus was anything but good. He was a military man who followed orders. One time he and his men were told to kill all the Christians living in a village. They carried out their orders in a most egregious manner. They sealed the exits to a small building where the Christians had gathered, poured kerosene around the outside walls, and set it on fire. The Christians inside sang hymns praising Jesus until they could sing no more.

Don Jesus was bothered. He went home to his wife who he found praying by the side of their bed. For you see, she was a Christian. That night, he asked Jesus to come into his heart. Don Jesus became a new man—a man who devoted his life to his Savior.

Millie accepted Jesus as her Savior at the age of fifteen having committed no horrible sins by the world’s standards. But she realized that she was a sinner who needed forgiving.

Both the man, who committed atrocious sins, and the lady, who was considered good by all who knew her, accepted Jesus and spent the rest of their lives serving him. Both were used powerfully by God.

Have you told Jesus you want him to forgive you, and you want to spend eternity with him?

Then he said, “Jesus, remember me when you come into your kingdom.” Jesus answered him, “Truly I tell you, today you will be with me in paradise.” Luke 23:42-43

For the Love of Children

Millie Young and I met weekly for a little over a year. Each week she would have written down the main events in a segment of her missionary life and the Bible verse she wanted included. Often she had recorded words of wisdom she wanted included with the chapter.

Even if Millie had not decided on her words of wisdom before our meeting, they developed as our time progressed. They might emerge from statements Millie made as she reflected about an event she did not want included in the book. Often she would suddenly laugh and spew out a gem.

One such treasure was this statement. “None of my training included ideas on how to handle mobs led by a demon-possessed woman.” Millie would make comments like this then proceed with the story as if it was no big deal.

A perilous situation in the past was not important to her. Millie acknowledged that God had led and protected her, but the danger was not what she wanted emphasized. She desired that others could know how God used her for his work.

The encounter with a demon-possessed lady took place when Millie was conducting a Bible story for neighborhood children in an impoverished area. That lady eventually accepted Jesus as IMG_1032her Savior. Millie did not lead her to Christ, but she planted the seed.

Whenever a child of any age is in the room, Millie gravitates to the child as if a magnetic force is pulling her. Her face lights up with a loving glow. God has placed an extraordinary affection for children in her heart. Her ministry proves that when you lovingly teach children the gospel, you also reach the adults as many of them found Jesus watching Millie witness to children.

Jesus said, “Let the little children come to me and do not hinder them, for to such belongs the kingdom of heaven.” Matthew 19:14

Two Reasons to Reconnect

What a shame! In the past few months, I realized that I have not been paying very much attention to what is happening in the lives of people I had cared about at some point. During this time, I attended a class reunion and two family reunions. My lack of recent association with some people I claim to value became evident to me. I need to reconnect.

Two reasons exist for me to awaken relationships that have been allowed to slumber.

Reason #1: Family is important. I must stay connected with family members. It is easy to assume family will always be available to meet my needs. I have not always nurtured these relationships as I should because too often I have not chosen words carefully or have allowed myself to become impatient with family members. What a pity! Family relationships must be approached with love and caring not self-centeredness. My heart’s desire is to value both close and extended family members.

Do you have a family member with whom you desire to cultivate a closer relationship?

IMG_1141Reason #2: Friendships have helped me grow and appreciate others. During casual conversations, I learn something about how others have approached life. Their talents and accomplishments can be celebrated. Through communicating as we rebuild relationships, I often learn about myself, and sometimes something startling is revealed.

Imagine my surprise when I learned that my friend Millie was my brother-in-law’s first grade teacher. Such tidbits surface during relaxed chitchatting.

Life is full of fun surprises when we value both new and old relationships.

What “old friend” do you desire to engage in a friendly conversation?