Millie sanded the seats and backs for 250 chairs.

Millie sanded the seats and backs for 250 chairs.

When Millie Young leads a short-term missions trip, she does not sit around and supervise work even though she has earned that right at the age of eighty-one. Millie works right along side the Christians she is leading.

Millie is taking two trips to Bogotá, Colombia this winter. Both are work trips to complete projects the Christian schools in that area need. The December group is constructing chairs for the children. The January trip is to paint classrooms.

Men are varnishing the seats and backs for chairs.

Men are varnishing the seats and backs for chairs.

Millie starts planning these trips months in advance. She lets OMS headquarters know about her plans then contacts the principal of the school to see if there are any projects which need done during their summer break. Once those arrangements are made she starts recruiting volunteers. This is a challenge because not only do people have to be willing, but they also have to free up their schedules. Naturally, the volunteers arrange financing, secure passports, and have the necessary shots administered.

The men are welding and filing the edges of steel to make a smooth fit for the frames of the chairs.

The men are welding and filing the edges of steel to make a smooth fit for the frames of the chairs.

Yes, Millie busily labors along side the team, but that’s not all she does. She makes contacts with people on the mission field there. On this trip, she is having lunch with the lady she trained to work in children’s ministry and encouraging a pastor and his wife who are planting a church about forty minutes up the mountainside. Her humble smile, encouraging words, and love for God is an inspiration to everyone she encounters.