Millie was already in her early thirties, and she had no prospects of getting married. A friend warned her if she accepted another term on the mission field in Colombia that her possibilities of getting married were very slim. Marriage was something that Millie wanted. To think of herself as an old maid was a bit startling. However, she was so busy happily serving God that the thought of marriage possibilities slipping away had not entered her mind. She was first of all dedicated to God. Even with the new realization that she may never get married, Millie returned to Colombia to serve God among the people she loved.

Mimeograph Machine

Mimeograph Machine

Millie was the mimeograph machine expert at Peniel Bible Institute in Christalina, Colombia. It was not that she liked running that smelly, messy machine, but she loved to help others. As she was running off materials she needed for her teacher training courses, the Bible teacher would drop by with a stack of stencils needing duplicated. Millie knew how busy he was and how he hated that machine, so she volunteered to do the task for him. Another staff member would drop by with a set of stencils that Millie volunteered to run through the machine. After all, she had that nasty purple ink all over her hands now. Why should they get messy?

It was during one of those times when Millie was running the mimeograph, with a smudge of ink on her face and purple stains on her hands, that an eligible male entered her life. Not just any male. But the male God had chosen to be her husband.

Years later, Millie would say, “God was with me, and he provided a loving husband for me while I was on the mission field.”

Wait for the Lord; be strong and take heart and wait for the Lord. Psalm 27:14