As I walked up the stairs of the First Baptist Church in the Kansas town of Arkansas City, I did so with both trepidation and anticipation. Trepidation because this was the first time for me to speak about Millie Young’s missionary work without Millie as a presentation partner. Anticipation because I love talking about how amazing a woman of God she is.
A representative from the American Baptist Women’s Ministries of the Roger Williams/Walnut Valley Association called requesting Millie’s phone number because they wanted her to speak at their spring conference. Millie moved to Indiana this last year, so I volunteered to speak on the topic of what I learned about Millie’s work while helping her write her memoirs. They accepted my offer.
Millie’s love for the Lord is conspicuous to anyone who knows her. But that is not what impresses me most about her. Her humility is amazing. During her life as a missionary in Colombia, she had so many experiences which required total dependence on God. Her total commitment to prayer exhibits Millie’s reliance on communication with her Savior.
I chose to talk about what I learned from Millie about the importance of prayer, not only for one’s self but also for others. She came through several adverse experiences which she later learned were a result of others praying for her.
It is my hope that the ladies attending the conference Saturday left with a renewed commitment to praying for missionaries. As I reflected on the strength of Millie’s communication with God, I pledged to spend more time with my Lord in prayer.
Do you need to revive your prayer life?