Out of ignorance, I have not given Veterans Day the attention I should have. Why? Maybe in the past it was my youth. Maybe it was my self-centeredness. Maybe I did not fully understand what it means. Yes, I appreciated our armed forces. But truthfully, for too long I did not give the day a second thought. I was wrong!

lightstock_127676_xsmall_sandra_Veterans Day is observed on November 11 because that is the day World War I officially ended. It is a fitting date for us to honor our veterans. The main observance for Veterans Day is at Arlington National Cemetery. First, a wreath will be placed on the tomb of the unknowns. Then the commemorative ceremonies will move into the Memorial Amphitheater where the parade of colors will be conducted by veteran organizations. Dignitaries will speak. All over the United States special events and parades will be held.

If it was not for our armed services and the sacrifices made by many men, women, and families, we would not be living in a country which holds elections where we can freely vote for our leaders, have the right to voice our opinions, and have the right to defend ourselves with any weapon other than a bat. United States citizens have the luxury of choosing how we want to earn a living, what we enjoy for entertainment, where we live, how we dress, how many children we want to raise, and how we will invest our money. We live a blessed life because of the United States Armed Services.

Many have lost their lives or a loved one. Many more have suffered injuries and are learning to live with a “new normal.” My goal is to thank military personnel and veterans for blessing my life through their service whenever I get the opportunity. I am deeply indebted to you.