Who is your hero? Who has influenced you in a positive manner?
My hero is, Millie Young. She works harder as an octogenarian than may twenty-year-olds. She is patient and genuinely humble. Millie cares deeply about others. She will not mention challenges she is facing unless asked directly. Even though she has immense biblical knowledge, she is slow to speak in Bible study groups. She listens and generally only contributes if asked, which allows others to discover God’s message.
Millie Young is devoted to serving God. Millie spent her adult life shepherding children and adults. She was instrumental in training many of the evangelical protestant leaders in Colombia. She is in regular contact with Colombian friends and is planning her next short-term mission trip.
A little over two years ago, Millie asked me to help her write her memoir as a missionary in Colombia. Millie would tell me a story in a matter-of-fact manner. I often had to stop her to make sure I was hearing correctly. Some of her experiences and accomplishments would be unbelievable coming from someone who does not have her humility. She may only weigh a hundred pounds, but she is a lady of steel. She is totally focused on God and stands firm in her faith.
I urge you, then, be imitators of me. 1 Corinthians 4:16
Paul challenged his followers to imitate him. Anyone who knows Millie should imitate her.
Who is your hero?