IMG_1984IMG_1997Millie may be a retired missionary, but she is not retired in the hearts of her Colombian acquaintances and friends. During the forty years Millie was on the mission field, innumerable impoverished children received an education because of Millie’s dedication, strong will, and determination to make the love of Jesus known to rural Colombian people. Millie worked primarily in the area of training teachers, establishing Christian schools, and educating children in a Christian setting, so her influence lives on in a growing legacy as those for whom she made an education possible are now educating children.


Millie and Jamie January 2014

Millie’s efforts to ensure a quality Christian education for elementary children is evident in Bogotá as two of the elementary schools have plaques recognizing her contribution.

Millie was skillful at seeing potential in young adults. Before she left Bogatá, Millie recognized a young teacher’s administrative skills, ability to motivate teens, and love for the Lord so she encouraged Jaime to apply for the position of principal of the Interamerican Christian School in Bogotá. Jamie has proven to be an effective hands-on type of administrator. This Christian high school of about eight hundred students is one of the highest achieving schools in the city of Bogatá.

Here in Kansas, Millie is known as a sweet lady who loves the Lord. Most people have no idea the love and respect she receives from Christians in Colombia. People who are connected with the National Church and OMS mission activities in that country hold this petite grandmother in high esteem for they know how her work has benefitted them and the children of Colombia.